Mr Bloggy

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Location: London, Timor-Leste

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Things I have observed

People in Japan wear facemasks, which may or may not be related to smells made by Garreth. Sometimes, a mother may wear a mask, but her children do not, making them the miner's canary.

Everthing looks mad. In adverts, they are all overdosing on prozac, with absurdly large smiles. In reality, they are stoic. Chubby faces in childhood develop into long faces ibn adulthood. There are lots of old people, which is apparently a problem.

Car doors shut themselves.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so

A journey plagued by KLM's smug, overarching, evil autmota meant I visited 5 countries (airports) in 24 hours. After arriving in Tokyo 12 hours late, tired, confused, with a well drafted letter of complaint and a racist opinion of the Dutch, I had a great time. Eaten some Katsu curry. Drunk some beers. Pressed the button on the arm of the heated toilet, the one with the outline of a bum and a geyser. I watched the Social Network and The Kings Speech on flight- both average. I find it hard to believe the king had a hard life. I find it hard to make a virtue of the creation facebook.

But all in all, it's great. I'm treading that line of invincible Brit abroad and cultural sympathiser- I just paid the exact money for a purchase (beer) and said 'origato' (thanks) afterwards. That was a threshold moment. Ignore the times I was saying 'Arry Potter' instead of arigato.

bye. So far, no dawn of the dead destrcution of society.