Apparently Johnny Borrel is 6 foot 8, which makes him considerably larger than Jesus, who didn't inherit his dad's omnitallness. Anyway, sometimes a band, or a celeb, begins to annoy in a way that is not healthy for someone I have never met, never care to meet, and really don't like. Razorlight are shit. Unhealthily shit. Their songs sound like they've been made in a factory. Fucking, god damn awful. And they stick in the head, because they've been designed to be conducive to maximum airtime on Virgin Radio, XfM, Radio 1, Heart 106.4, every fucking station can accept their blandness. Their songs then stick in the head all day, because they're always on when in the shower or when the radio turns on in the morning. "All my life, Trying to make it big in America.". The worst example, is the one today, which is driving me insane: "If it's a million to one shot, I'll make sure I'm the one" Without doubt, that is the worst lyric any human has contrived.
I quite liked that 'In the morning' song, then discovered that the reason was because it was a Talking Heads soundalike.
(blogger's trying to make me do something. if this blog stops forever now, it's because i couldn't understand it.)